Não seja vingativo
Bruno Silva
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Palavra introdutória Você pode estar se perguntando: o que este assunto tem a ver comigo? Tem tudo a ver, pois política é uma ciência relacionada
Don’t Worry About Tomorrow
God gave the Israelites their manna one day at a time. They were not allowed to store any of it up for another time – by doing this, they showed their trust and confidence in God and His promise to provide for them each day. Any time they did collect more than enough for one day, it became rotten and smelled bad. Many people say they have a “stinking, rotten life.” They don’t mean they smell – I think they’re saying they have taken on too much – too much work, too much responsibility, too much to think through and it’s so much, they have nowhere to put it and much is wasted. They are complicating today trying to gather provision for tomorrow.
Nem sempre os opostos se atraem
Os opostos se atraem. Com certeza, você já ouviu essa frase inúmeras vezes. Apesar de haver muita verdade na mesma, precisamos esclarecer que nem sempre