
Dare To Be Different

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Are you tired of playing games, wearing masks or trying to be someone other than yourself?  If so, wouldn’t you like the freedom to just be accepted for who you are, without the pressure to be someone you really don’t know how to be?  Would you like to learn how to embrace your uniqueness and resist the pull to be like everyone else?

God knew what He was doing when He made you. You are a unique individual—God created you the way you are!  It’s time that we dare to accept ourselves as different and stop being insecure about who we are.  

Just be you! – If you’re going to overcome insecurities and be the person God’s called you to be, you must have the courage to be different.  Unhappiness and frustration happen when we reject our uniqueness and try to be like each other. If you’re going to be successful at being completely you, then you’re going to have to take a chance on not being like everyone else.  

Don’t be a people-pleaser. Becoming a people-pleaser is one of the easiest things we can do…but it can ultimately make us very unhappy.  People-pleasers allow others to control their lives in order to gain acceptance and approval. But God doesn’t want us to be easily manipulated or controlled by others.  We shouldn’t let other people’s opinions of us control our actions!  

Don’t leave love behind… At the same time, we must walk in love. We can’t just do anything we want, whenever we want, with total disregard for the feelings of others.  The Bible commands us to love others, and love doesn’t behave that way.

“Conform” or “transform”? Romans 12:2 AMPC says, Do not be conformed to this world (this age).…but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind… It’s then that we find the good and acceptable will of God for our lives. 

Unique for a Purpose – God wants to take us, with all our weaknesses and inabilities, and transform us, by working from the inside out, to do something powerful in this earth.  

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Meyer, Joyce. Available at Accessed: December 30, 2020.

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