
Prayer and Resolutions for the Year

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Hello, everyone! May the grace of God be with y’all!

It’s week two on our reading about prayer and resolutions for the year. This time we have one more take on it.

Even in popular knowledge, and cross culturally, humans find making plans an especially important part of life. Defining goals is key to any type of planning and as the beginning of the year is the time where most of us get reflective on what we are going to do, it is nice to have some type of help in it. Last week, we saw an excerpt that showed us a great way to ask God to guide us in defining our goals for a new year if we want them to be effective and blessed.

Now, putting this into practice, we need to take what we learned from that prayer to understand His Word and translate that into plans which are cohesive: to our purpose on earth, to our eternal life journey and to our reality and strengths. Learning what God wants from us is as important as not only including His plans for our lives in our daily routine, but also envisioning it as our future accomplishments.

Taking steps towards those goals every day, having in our hearts the journey He commissioned us to have, makes it easier for us to make small and big decisions in our everyday life.             

Prayer starter: Dear God, help us have all our plans aligned with your purpose.  May us all have a blessed week!

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