
Our problems are not bigger than our God

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See, the Sovereign LORD comes with power, and he rules with a mighty arm. See, his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him.

Isaiah 40.10

When the promises of God seem powerless to quiet our fears, soften our
pain, lift our worries, or motivate our obedience, we need to do more than simply
hear his promises again. We need to contemplate the God who gives them.

Who is the God who gives his promises to us? He is the Almighty God,
who created the world by his word. He is the God of wisdom, who makes a way
in the wilderness. He is the God of tenderness, who carries his children home.
He is bigger than our problems.

Joshua puts it this way, “If you’ll meditate on God’s word, you will prosper
and have good success.” Meditate means think about over and over. Really,
worry is meditating. It’s letting the negative play again and again. Some people
have this principle down. They’re professional worries. The problem is they’re
meditating on the wrong things. They’re letting the negative continually play.

Why don’t you switch what you’re focusing on? It doesn’t take any more
energy to believe than it does to worry. This one small tweak can make a life
changing difference. Instead of going through the day worried about your future,
wondering how you’re going to make it. A small tweak, “Father, thank you that
you have me in the palm of your hand. I know you’re ordering my steps. You said
no good thing will you withhold because I walk uprightly.”

Your problems may be big, perhaps even bigger than you know. But your
God is bigger, and his promises to you are stronger and surer. So, look up from
your problems. Listen again to God’s powerful, wise, and tender voice. And then
ask God to help you contemplate him.

I motivate you to use that same energy to meditate on what God promised
you and start declaring, God I’m grateful to be alive, I’m excited about my future,
I believe you’re taking me from glory to glory, that I haven’t seen or imagined the
great things you have in store. When you think happy thoughts it not only lifts
your spirit, but that attitude of faith is what allows God to do amazing things.

Prayer: Father, you said my children are mighty in the land. You said the
seed of the righteous is blessed, that as for me and my house we will serve the
Lord. Help me believe in your promises each day more and more because I know
you’re faithful and powerful enough to fulfill all of them in my life. In Jesus’ name,

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