
The love of God is poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit

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“The love of God is poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit.”

(Romans 5:5)

“Love is not simply a feeling.” This statement changed my perspective and understanding of many things. Love can produce feelings, but it’s not just a feeling. So, we don’t have to feel right, so that we can do what’s right. We don’t know anything about love until we are practicing it. No matter how many times we have already heard about it or underlined it in our Bible. If we do not feel it and put it into practice, we don’t know it. Because we must feel it and exercise that in us.

Jesus is definitely the model we have to follow so that we can grow more and more to be mature Christians and love the way Jesus expects us to. It’s not easy and that doesn’t happen to us overnight.

We can feel like doing the wrong thing, and still choose to do the right thing. You know why? Because love is a decision. Every choice that we make has some kind of effect. Jesus said in John 14:15: “If you love me, you’ll obey me“. He did not say if you obey me, I’ll love you. Because he’s already made up His mind to love us. So, one of the ways to show him we love him is by being obedient to him.

We may think it’s impossible to be done. However, God sent the Holy Spirit to live inside us and He is our teacher. He quickly convicts us of wrongdoing and convinces us to do things right.

Romans 5:5 says that “The love of God is poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit.” So, anything we have in us we can give away. God would not require us to love people with that kind of divine love, which means they didn’t do anything to deserve it. God is not only doing love. He is love. That’s why while we were still yet in our sins he died for us. That’s why on the cross, having had nails driven into his hands and feet and been beaten, he could say Father forgive them for they know not what they do. That’s love. He showed us how to do it.

Let us demonstrate our love for Christ by obeying his teachings and striving to do his will. The Holy Spirit lives within us and will guide us on the path we must follow. We are not alone.

Prayer: Heavenly Father. Help me obey you no matter how hard it may look to me. Help me to do your will even if I don’t understand it or it seems difficult. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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