
Don’t Worry About Tomorrow

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So do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient for each day its own trouble.

Matthew 6:34

God gave the Israelites their manna one day at a time. They were not allowed to store any of it up for another time – by doing this, they showed their trust and confidence in God and His promise to provide for them each day. Any time they did collect more than enough for one day, it became rotten and smelled bad. Many people say they have a “stinking, rotten life.” They don’t mean they smell – I think they’re saying they have taken on too much – too much work, too much responsibility, too much to think through and it’s so much, they have nowhere to put it and much is wasted. They are complicating today trying to gather provision for tomorrow.

In Matthew 6:25-31, Jesus teaches us not to worry about tomorrow but encourages us to believe that if God takes care of the birds and flowers, surely, He will take care of us. Each day contains all we can handle – we don’t need to be concerned about more than today. It is the gift of grace, God’s enabling power and ability of which He gives us just enough to successfully handle whatever comes our way each day. But He won’t give us tomorrow’s grace today.

When we think about the future with all of its unanswered questions and threatening circumstances, we can feel quite overwhelmed. Our heavenly Father does not give us an extra supply of grace to think on tomorrow’s problems and still maintain our peace of mind and joy. To do so would encourage us to worry, to be anxious and to care about concerns that aren’t necessarily ready for our attention. God tells us what to do with our cares: cast them on Him and He will take care of us.

Try to live tomorrow today complicates life. When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray, one of the things He told them was to ask Father God for their daily bread. He was talking about more than the type of bread one might eat at a meal; He was speaking of whatever it would take to supply their needs for human life. Make life simple and take it one day at a time. Don’t fear the future. Put your trust in God and allow yourself to enjoy the simple life.

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Meyer, Joyce. 100 ways to simplify your life. Faith Words, December 22, 2015. Accessed: January 1, 2021.

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