
You Are Wanted

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And He went up on the hillside and called to Him [for Himself] those whom He wanted and chose, and they came to Him.

Mark 3:13

Wanted = needed; desired

We have been chosen by God, picked out as His own in Christ before the foundation of the world (see Ephesians 1:4). Before we had an opportunity to do anything right or wrong, God decided He wanted us!

I want to encourage you to stop and think about how wonderful it is to be loved and wanted by God. This means we can relax, breathe and receive His love. We can think about it, thank Him for it, and watch for the ways His love shows up in our daily lives. God shows His love for us in so many things, both big and small, but we’re often unaware of it. Let’s make it a habit to start to look for the all the things He does for us day in and day out.

God never expects us to give away something that He hasn’t first given us. He loves us first, so we can love Him and other people. His love is poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, and He wants us to live in a position of always receiving His love and giving it to others.

Prayer Starter: Father, thank You for wanting me and choosing me before the foundation of the world. Please help me remember how much You love me, and to love others the way You’ve loved me. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

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Meyer, Joyce. Adapted from the book Wake Up to the Word . Available at Accessed: December 26, 2020.

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