
A Home For God’s Spirit

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May Christ through your faith [actually] dwell (settle down, abide, make His permanent home) in your hearts!

Ephesians 3:17 (AMPC)

If you’re born again, you hopefully know that Jesus lives inside of you through the power of the Holy Spirit. The question is, is God comfortable in the home of your heart? Does He feel at home within you? Even though He lives within you, other things live in you, too—things like fear, anger, jealousy, or murmuring and complaining.

God once gave me a picture of what it is like for Him to live in a heart where murmuring, complaining, and discord are living. Suppose you go to a friend’s house and your friend says, “Oh, come on in. I’ll get you a cup of coffee. Get comfortable and make yourself at home.” Then, your friend begins yelling at her husband and the two of them rant and rave and carry on right in front of you. How comfortable would you be in the presence of that level of strife?

If we want to be a comfortable “home” for God’s Spirit, we must give up things that cause us to forget about His presence or are offensive to Him. We must stop grumbling, allowing strife and unrest inside us, and harboring unforgiveness. Instead, we need to make sure our inner lives are engaged in things that please and honor God’s presence. Our mouths should be full of praise and thanksgiving. We should wake up every day and say in our hearts, “Good morning, Lord. I want You to feel at home and be comfortable in me today.”

We all need to take inventory of what goes into our hearts because they’re the dwelling place of God. When we examine our inner lives, we are looking at holy ground where God has chosen to make His home. Let’s commit to making Him comfortable in us.

Prayer Starter: Father, thank You for making Your home in me! Please show me what I can do today to make my heart a more comfortable place for You to live and give me the grace I need to let go of the things that hurt Your heart. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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Meyer, Joyce. Adapted from the book  Hearing from God Each Morning. Available at Accessed: January 1, 2021.

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