
A new life in Christ

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When you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, things change – you change. It’s just the beginning of a lifelong journey we take with Him to become everything God created us to be.

Being born again changes us forever, but this doesn’t mean that we will be perfect. As Peter says in 1 Peter 1:16 “Be holy, because I am holy.” It’s a process and we should seek that every single day. It’s up to us. We are now called to a life of holiness, obedience, surrender, and love for God. There must be external evidence that proves there’s been an inner transformation.

God will increasingly produce many new qualities in you as you grow in Him.  Nevertheless, we cannot do it by ourselves. According to what Jesus said in John 15:5 “apart from me you can do nothing”. So, God has given us an important manual for life—the Bible. He tells us what to do through His Word, Jesus showed us it’s possible to be done because he did it and we have the Holy Spirit in us teach and helping us remember all Jesus taught.

John 5:24 declares “He who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life”.  Since the way you experience all of this is through faith, I invite you to dive into it and look forward to seeing what the future holds, believing He is powerful and faithful enough to accomplish all He Himself promised in His Word. Without a doubt, you won’t regret it!

Prayer: Lord, help me see myself the way You see me, as a new creature in You. Strengthen me so that I never give up because I know You take no pleasure in the one who shrinks back. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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