
God is always with you

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“I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you… The Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:5,9)

Everybody experiences hard moments in their lives. Fears often come up and remain because we don’t know how to fight them. We feel helpless and powerless before their threats.

Most of the time, we pray asking God to help us get out of these difficult situations, and the sooner the better. No matter they are trouble at work, financial setback or any other adversity.There’s nothing wrong with that, but before you get out of it, let’s consider the possibility of inviting God in. Sometimes the miracle is not in getting out. Instead, it’s in what God is going to do in that situation.

If you only focus on God bringing you out, then you’re going to be disappointed, because God doesn’t do things on our timing. Sometimes, it’s taking longer than we thought, but when you ask God to come in, you can be at rest. You don’t have to fight everything, live upset, can’t sleep at night. That happens when you only focus on getting out. God is waiting to come in.

God works in the trouble; he works in the uncomfortable situations. And sometimes God is not bringing you out yet because he wants the odds to be against you in a bigger way so that when he brings you out it will be a greater miracle.

I know it’s hard to handle it, but I encourage you to give it a try and invite God into your difficulties so that you can see him come in your direction, empowering you, enabling you, favoring you. When you know God is with you, you’ll have joy in the middle of the challenges. You’ll have a song of praise in the prison like Paul and Silas, you’ll be at peace in the midst of the storm.

Don’t be discouraged because God didn’t keep you out of the problem. He uses adversities to move us into our purpose. Soon his name is going to be glorified through you. Without a great test, you won’t have a great testimony. Without big battles, you won’t see big victories.

Prayer: Lord, help me not just go through this situation, help me grow through it, help me learn, increase my faith, let me character come up higher. Show me your greatness in this trouble and help me have a peace that passes understanding.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

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