
God talks to us

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My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me

(John 10.27)

Our God, the creator of the universe, wants to interact with us and to reveal himself to us. I don’t know if you are likely to hear the audible voice of God through a burning bush as Moses did, or in the midst of a dream as Joseph experienced; however, the One who spoke the earth and the heavens into existence still speaks to us today. 

Isn’t that wonderful? God has many ways to communicate with us. The Scriptures are God Himself talking to us.  We can be assured that when we read the Word of God, His breath is upon us. The Holy Spirit that dwells within us when we accept Christ as our Savior translates and interprets, helping us in our daily study and prayerful application of the Word to our lives. That’s why we can study a passage of Scripture multiple times, through different stages of our lives, and be ministered to from different angles by it. 

Our answered prayers likewise serve as proof that our God not only hears our prayers as He says but answers them according to His will. Through Jesus Himself, and His residence in our hearts, we begin to see Him throughout the entire Bible – not just beginning with His birth in Bethlehem. 

Similarly, God speaks to us through His creation. Nature reminds us of who He is, who we are, and His love for us. The perfect and wonderful things in nature that surround us clearly shows that only a unique and powerful God would be able to do such a thing. 

We can equally add to this list our gifts and talents. The strengths that we all possess are part of the designed purpose for our lives. The desires that each one of us feel burning in our hearts for performing a productive and meaningful thing is planted in us by God. 

There are so many other ways God talks to us. In essence, what really matters is that the relationship with our Father in heaven can be established because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. With His death, the temple curtain was torn, and we were all granted access to the One True God. We don’t have to fix or become better versions of ourselves to start hearing from God. He loves each of us for who we are, right now. 

God desires to speak to us. So, let’s strive to seek God’s presence more than anything we might consider of any importance. It’s not about the method He chooses to use, but about learning to hear and recognize His voice so we can receive the message He wants to share with us. 

Prayer: Dear Father, help me seek your will and direction. I know I can hear from you. So, open my eyes, open my ears, my mind and heart so that I can clearly hear from you and follow your directions. I’m sure you have a big, full, wonderful plan for my future… lead me every step of the way. In the name of Jesus. Amen. 

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