
God works for the good of those who love Him

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“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

(Romans 8:28)

It’s very easy for us to get discouraged, to lose our passion because of mistakes we’ve made. We may think that our mistakes may take us away from what God has planned to us.  However, God won’t allow anything to happen that will keep you from your purpose. God takes into consideration every wrong decision, any mistake, any failure. 

It doesn’t mean you can be loose and do whatever you want, but when your heart is to please God, when down deep you want to do the right thing, but you make a mistake, that is not going to stop your purpose. What will stop you is if you start living condemned, down on yourself, with no passion. 

Sometimes, He has to close a door so that He can open a bigger and better one. Or even move a person out of your life because they’re limiting your growth. What looks like a disappointment is in fact the hand of God ordering your steps. What doesn’t make sense now, sooner or later, you’ll understand. He’s giving you the chance to take you to a new level. What we can’t see is how he’s working behind the scenes.

Abraham made a mistake. He had a baby out of wedlock, that didn’t stop the promised child. He’s called the father of our faith. How could Joseph imagine God would turn the colorful robe Jacob, his father, gave him into a royal robe? The colorful robe would be temporary. There was a sequence of mistakes happening to Joseph, the cistern, the slavery, the prison. God had something bigger, better more rewarding. Sometimes we are disappointed of what we’ve lost. We don’t understand why. We’ve got to trust God even when it doesn’t make sense.

Perhaps you’ve made mistakes, and you’re not where you thought you’d be in life. That didn’t stop your destiny. Believe all things are going to work for your good and get your passion back. Believe that your latter days are going to be better than your former days. It may look like the end, but really, it’s a new beginning. The best part of your life is still in front of you.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I know you have big plans for me; bigger than I can imagine. Plans of healing, restoration, accomplishment, and a better future. I want to be ready for something I haven’t seen. Things that have held me back are being broken right now so that I’m able to live all you have for me.   In Jesus’ name, amen.

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