
God’s unconditional love

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No matter how hard we try, yet we cannot scale God’s love. If we look back in time and remember some of our past attitudes, thoughts, or feelings, we may be ashamed of ourselves. How could I have been so petty, insensitive, or selfish in specific situations? And what about some lies or rush words that have brought about people some suffering or sadness? I cannot blame others for some issues I had to face either once I myself caused them.

We know there is nothing attractive in us that makes us worthy of God’s affection. But thank Lord for His great love and mercy. He intervenes on our behalf even when the odds are against us. He helps us set up all the disorder we ourselves have created.

We say we want to serve Him better, but we’re too busy to find some time to spend in prayer and reading His word. We ask for His favor and blessings, but we don’t believe we deserve them. We want to be a tool in His hand, but we don’t think we’re qualified enough for that. There are lots of buts preventing us from receiving what God wants to give us.

On the other hand, God’s buts bring blessings along. His word says in Psalms 73:26 that “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” And in Romans 5:8, He says, But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” After going through hard times, Joseph could say that his brothers “intended to harm [him], but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”

Through the sacrifice of His Son, God demonstrated His unconditional love to all those who would receive Jesus Christ. So, all a person must do is trust in Jesus, the Savior. This way we permanently become God’s beloved children.

Prayer: Dear Father, help me understand that no one is beyond the reach of your unconditional love. Help me live the truth that You chose to love me, and nothing will be able to separate me from your love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Help me stay diligent and never give up. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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