
I know the plans I have for you

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For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
(Jeremiah 29:11)

When we are going through hard times, it’s common for us to think that we’re going to do our best only when it’s all over. When the pandemic gets to an end, I’ll pursue my dreams. When I don’t have to face these difficulties any longer, then I’ll get my passion back. However, while these things don’t happen, we’re not supposed to put our lives on hold. God wants to prosper us even when we are in the difficulty.

It’s interesting the context where Jeremiah 29:11 was written in. The people were feeling miserable because they were taken out of Jerusalem to Babylon as captives. They were doing great in Jerusalem, but things unexpectedly changed. I’m sure they were praying to the Lord to deliver them from that situation. However, the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah saying that they were going to be there other seventy years. Strangely enough, God also told them in verses 5, 6 and 7 to build houses and settle down, plant gardens, marry, have children, seek the peace and prosperity of the city.

God was telling them that He would show them His favor despite the place, despite the disappointments, despite the things were not going on as they expected to. God was telling them that He wouldn’t change circumstances overnight. But, meanwhile, they were supposed to believe He was in charge of everything and would prosper them anyway.

Do not wait for God to bring you out of the trouble for you to have a positive attitude. He’s going to show you His goodness while you’re in the captivity, in the exile, in the enemy’s territory. You may be in the enemy’s territory, but you’re God’s property. You’re not alone in that place. He’s going to show you He has always been with you. You may not understand it now, but you will soon. 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I know your plans for me are for good. No matter I’m in Babylon now, I trust you. I know you’re still on the throne. I praise you; I honor you; I adore you and I declare I’m going to stay in faith and keep on believing in your love. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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