
If only you believed!

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If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”

(Matthew 21.22)

In Mark chapter 10 the Scriptures tells us the story of a blind beggar man sitting on the side of the road called Bartimaeus. Jesus was leaving Jericho and about to pass in front of him, and when he found out it was Jesus, he started shouting. “Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me.” Well, Jesus technically wasn’t the son of David. He was the son of Joseph. Why did Bartimaeus call him, “son of David”? he recognized he was the Messiah.

A few chapters, the religious leaders didn’t recognize Jesus. They thought he was a fraud. They were jealous, intimidated. It’s interesting that this blind man, a man that didn’t have physical sight, was one of the first ones to recognize Jesus as the Messiah, and when he cried out, “Jesus, son of David,” he was saying, “Messiah, healer, deliverer, most high God. Jesus stopped in his tracks. I can imagine Jesus Thinking, “here’s someone that knows who I am. He knows I am all powerful. He’s expecting my goodness.” 

When Bartimaeus started shouting, people around him said, “Bartimaeus, be quiet. You’re causing a scene. He’s going to get upset with you.” People will try to talk you out of your miracle. They’ll tell you all the reasons why you can’t get well, why you won’t break the addiction, why you won’t meet the right person. It’s because they don’t know what God put in you. They can’t hear what you hear. 

Don’t let those negative voices discourage you. Instead, believe freedom is coming. Joy is coming. Breakthroughs are coming.” God whispers in your spirit dreams and promises, what you can become. The enemy will do his best to drown that out. No matter how loud those other voices are, don’t let them talk you out of what god has whispered in your spirit. 

Jesus stopped and said, “let him come to me.” Bartimaeus immediately threw off his coat. It is significant once his coat labeled him as a beggar. Bartimaeus believed it was a new day, a new life. He believed Jesus was far bigger than this problem. He was ready to live all that Jesus had for him. When Jesus asked Bartimaeus, “what is it that you want me to do for you?” he said, “Lord, I want to see.” Jesus said, “your faith has made you whole. Go in peace. You are healed.” Instantly, he could see.

Be ready to tell Jesus what you want believing he is powerful enough to fulfill it. Our faith can make all the difference and turn our dream into the biggest experience ever. 

Prayer: Dear God, I do need you to help me keep on walking toward you based solely on what I hear from you. No matter I do not see things apparently going on yet. I know you’re in control of every single thing in my life and I praise you for that. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

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