
Release your faith

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“Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”

(Mark 5.34)

Let’s talk about faith today.  In Mark chapter 5, there was a lady that had a bleeding disorder for 12 years. She’d gone to many doctors, spent all her money, tried everything she could. Still, she continued to go downhill. And one day, there was all this commotion in her town. She found out that Jesus was passing through. She had heard the stories of how he had healed a crippled man, and how he’d opened blind eyes, how he’d cured someone with leprosy, and something came alive on the inside. She thought, “he did it for others. He can do it for me.” 

She could have been discouraged, complaining, “life is not fair. Why did this happen?” Instead, she said to herself, “if I can get to Jesus and just touch the fringe of his robe, I know I will be healed.” The problem was, there was a great crowd surrounding Jesus, thousands of people all packed in it seemed impossible. Most people would have given up thought, “hey, it’s not meant to be.” Not this lady. She started making her way through the crowd. She was on a mission. 

No doubt she was weak. She had lost blood for years. She didn’t feel like it, but she fought her way through the crowd. One version said, “she kept saying to herself, ‘when I get to Jesus, I know I will be well.” Probably she was telling herself: “I know healing is coming. I know things are turning in my favor. It’s tough now. I’m tired, I’m weak, but I know I’m close to my breakthrough.” 

Just at the right time, she reached out and touched the edge of Jesus’s robe. All the sudden, Jesus stopped, said to his disciples, “who just touched me”. Somebody drew the miracle-working power out of Him. Somebody touched him with expectancy. About that time, Jesus looked at this woman. Their eyes met. She was afraid, she thought she’d done something wrong. Jesus smiled and said, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” 

Notice, the key was her faith. No prayers, no words of encouragement, no medicine, no doctors were more powerful than her faith. When you believe, when you expect things to change, when you keep saying to yourself, “I know the breakthrough is coming. I know healing is on the way. I know the right person is in my future. I know what God started he’s going to finish.” Your faith can stop the creator of the universe. That’s what activates his power. 

I encourage you today to reach out and touch him. Release your faith. Believe that it will happen. 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I believe my faith is going to turn things around. It’s going to open the right doors. It’s going to bring unusual favor. It’s going to happen sooner than it looks. So, I’ll keep expecting it. I’ll keep talking like it’s going to happen. And I’ll go out each morning looking for your goodness. I’m sure you’re passing by. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen. 

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