
We have the mind of Christ.

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For, “Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?”  But we have the mind of Christ. 

(1 Corinthians 2:16) 

Those who have the mind of Christ can discern spiritual things that the  natural man (or the believer) cannot understand or see.  

Having the mind of Christ means we are not living our lives for ourselves anymore, but we know we have a bigger purpose in life. It means sharing the  plan, purpose, and perspective of Chris. It also means we understand God’s plan  in the world—to bring glory to Himself, restore creation to its original splendor,  and provide salvation for sinners. We learn to live a life under God’s influence. 

We gain new desires and qualities, like humility, compassion and other  godly “fruit”. We have a new purpose that is aligned with His and we can see  clearly the reality before us that this world is temporal and flawed, and that we  are meant for an eternal world. 

Lastly, having the mind of Christ is only accessible through faith in Jesus  Christ. It is not something that is reserved only for “perfect” people. Any and every  believer has access to it through faith. Thank God for his grace, mercy and  unconditional love. 

Yesterday, you may have let your mind focus on the negative aspects — what you can’t do, how badly you’ve messed up, all the things that could go wrong — but today you can submit your mind to the Word of God. You can choose the  thoughts you are going to dwell on. I encourage you to do so.  

Prayer: Thank you, Father, for the gift and privilege of trusting you to help  me change my thoughts so that I can please you and live more fulfilling life. In  Jesus’ name, amen.

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