
When Storms Come, Hold on to Hope

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After 40 years of ministry and having seen terrible storms, Max Lucado claims that when adverse circumstances come in our lives, and they undoubtedly come, we’ve got to hold on to God’s promises.

A promise is a covenant or declaration that one will do exactly what they say, or something will happen just as pledged. This excerpt is part of an article written by Max Lucado where he encourages us to hold on tight to these four lifelines – they can withstand the waves of worry and difficulty in our lives.

Hang tight, God gets you! He’s been there. He’s been here – and he understands your pain. The stunning idea is simply this: God, for a time, became one of us. Does this promise matter? If you ever wonder if God listens, he does. 

Overcome Despair with Prayer. When life overwhelms, pray to the one who is in charge, and know that he is praying for you. Will God do what you ask? Perhaps. Or perhaps he will do more than you imagine. Stand firmly on the promise that “when a believing person prays, great things happen” (James 5:16). And ponder this truth: Jesus, right now, at this moment, in the midst of whatever trouble you are facing, is speaking on your behalf.

Pull together when life comes apart. In times of extreme challenge, we can divide, or we can unite. One of the beautiful things that can emerge from times of trouble is extravagant compassion and care for our neighbors – crossing lines and building bridges. Our pain bears fruit if it reminds us that everyone has value, and we were created by God, in God’s image, for God’s glory (Genesis 1:26).

Evil exists, but it does not win!  Satan’s days are numbered. So in those moments when all that is good appears to lose, you do not need to worry. Don’t forget, “The God who brings peace will soon defeat Satan and give you power over him” (Romans 16:20).

Storms will come, my friend. But when they do, filter them through the promises of God. And since his promises are unbreakable, your hope will be unshakable.

Lucado, Max. September 2018. Available at Accessed: December 14, 2020.

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