
Jesus is the way back to God

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“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” 

John 14.6

The scripture teaches us that man by his sin has been separated from God and sent away from life in God’s presence. what a bleak future was destined for us!

The Old Testament shows us that the Most Holy Place in the tabernacle and the temple was the symbolic presence of God. It was a place no one was allowed to step in, except the High Priest once a year of the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 16), and even then, strict requirements had to be observed or death would happen. A great thick curtain kept everyone out, blocking the way to the presence of God.

Isaiah 59:2 states that sin makes God hide His face from man. Sin makes Him deliberately choose not to hear us. Due to sin, mankind was condemned to eternal separation from God. However, God, because of His grace and love, sent his Son to be the Savior of the world, to provide for us a permanent and effective way back to Him. Jesus comes to us to reveal the Father, to show us who He is, to redeem the sinners, and to do what was necessary to qualify us to come back into God’s presence.             

Jesus declares that “If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.” (John 14:7) Jesus is the way to know the one true God, because he, Jesus, is God. Here we are called and challenged to return to the one true God whom we rejected in Genesis 3.

The Word of God tells us that at the very moment Christ died on the cross this curtain was torn in two from top to bottom (Matthew 27:51). His death set us free to enter His presence. Jesus’ sacrifice was enough for God to forgive us once and for all. What incredible love!

I encourage you to enter in God’s presence right now, open your heart to your Heavenly Father and show Him you are thankful for His great love, mercy, and forgiveness.

Prayer: Holy Father, thank You for Your presence in my life. Thank you for changing my dark destiny into a bright and gratifying one. Help me keep on trusting You, way down deep in my heart and never give up. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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