
You do not realize now, but later you will

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“Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” (John 13:7)

We occasionally go through certain situations that are incomprehensible for us. Besides, they even make us doubt whether we took the right direction or not. 

When Jesus was washing His disciples’ feet, Peter, who couldn’t understand what was going on, told Jesus not to wash his. Instead, Jesus said, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me”. Oftentimes, God acts with us in a way we can’t understand it at that very moment.  And when it causes us any suffering, discomfort, or pain, it’s hard to accept that God may allow that to take place with us and even harder to see it in a positive perspective. 

We, naturally, tend to face the difficulties as they would last forever. However, as the happy moments do not endure for good, adversities don’t either. When we are going through dark gloomy winter of life, it’s a challenge to see a way out and practically impossible to consider we are going to be joyful again.  Thank God He shows us through His word that although we do not figure out some situations we are in, He is still operating in our favor. 

We do not understand God’s acting in our lives because we are focused on what we can see. When, in fact, God has been working and changing what we can’t see. I know it looks an optimistic speech, but the truth is God can bring out the best in situations which seem to be over. 

We grow when we experience painful and challenging moments. This is when we are molded and transformed from the inside out. As hard as it may seem to be for you now, be sure nothing you are struggling is in vain.  Your existence itself is not in vain. You are not a mistake, or a sudden accident. You are a beloved child of God. Somebody who was born with a purpose to grow and learn continually. Believe, you are going to be all right. The one who chose you knows everything and has everything under control. He knows all your happiness, all your sadness and even those things you make great effort to hide from everybody because you are not very proud of. 

So, although you don’t figure out what you are undergoing now, there’s going to be a time in which God is going to reveal His purpose through all these changes and you are going to understand them. Simply stay confident and trust Him.  
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for your love, grace, and mercy. Forgive us because sometimes we don’t trust you as we should. Help us be in the center of your will and live all you have planned for us. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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