
Do You Want To Be Healed?

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Today Max Lucado leads us to meditate on a man who had been ill for a long time. It’s worth considering his wise words.

“On that particular day at the pool of Bethesda, Jesus was drawn to the main character of this miracle. John Chapter 5:5-7 reads like this: “When Jesus saw him and knew he had been ill for a long time, he asked him, ‘Would you like to get well?’  ‘I can’t, sir,’ the man said, ‘for I have no one to put me into the pool when the water bubbles up…’” What an odd question to ask a sick person. Why would Jesus pose such a question? The man was thirty-eight years as an invalid.  The duration of the condition prompted Jesus to ask, “Would you like to get well?””

Jesus’s question may sound obvious for us. Especially because Jesus knew everything, as it says. However, our answer to His question may reveal what has been annoying us.  The man’s predictable answer should simply be ‘Yes.’ Instead, he complains about not having anybody to help him into the pool when the water is stirred. So, more than healing our physical illnesses, the Lord wants to heal our souls.

“Getting well means getting up, getting a job, getting on with life. Do you really want to be healed? That’s the question Jesus asked then. That’s the question Jesus asks all of us. Do you want to get well? Remember my friend, you are never alone.”

Prayer starter: Holy Father, thanks for caring about our feelings and well-being. Search on us and see if there is any offensive way in us and lead us in the way to be healed and behave according to your willing. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

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Lucado, Max. October 8, 2020. Available at Accessed: January 1, 2021.

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